Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wir werden euch begraben

Seeing that the only Motordome business this summer is bike tours, I thought that I better start writing about the upcoming euro trip that I've been "planning" and will commence in under two weeks.

As some may know, I've been away and pursuing the academics at a liver bursting, beer gut expanding pace. Leaving Portland in February, I spent the rest of the winter in sunny Chicago land while the rest of the northwest enjoyed an unusually warm late winter (I know because everyone I could possibly know in the Northwest called to tell me about it). Chicago turned out to be quite good to me. I had to miss the end of the Blazer season but I made some good friends and I'm sure Motordome made some new fans.
...moving on..after two months in a class room in Chicago, it was off to Germany, Bavaria and weissbier...moving on my way to being an applied biochemist (that sounds pretty technical, huh?)... the end is in sight.

With the end of July approaching comes the end of school and the rekindling of an old relationship with my bike. Months before I left Portland I had planned on biking Europe. no big deal. I invited everyone I knew or even sort of knew, and as the time went on, I was convince that I'd be rolling solo. However, two of the best dudes ever have pulled through and decided to get lost in the Alps with me; Buggy, the Motordome team bike mechanic and all around dirt-bag and Topher (Chris), first mate, ship's bosun and all around scallywag.
I have no idea where we are headed (probably over the mountains.) I'll keep you posted.