Monday, November 9, 2009

Cross Curse-ade Number... Is this thing over yet?

Cross Crusade is a sadistic bitch... though we love her. I suffered another bio-mechanical with a bum knee this week, survey says... I had the seat to low on the cycle trainer at the gym the night before, a half hour warm-up prior to lifting that I am still suffering from today. Damian rode hard, finished, spent, shaking, shivering, coughing, he looked so bad I left and went home to cuddle up next to a warm fire. Craig, in his usual cheerful self, kicked ass across the board. Greg reclined on a beach in Florida with a tall drink in his hand, and a taller woman at his side. (Taking some creative liberties with the true height of his secret Canadian girlfriend). Todd scrounged around looking for free beer and heckling. Flat beer was found at the TB tent (as was shelter from the downpour). Good heckling was found prior to Todd finding the beer, especially at the infamous cone corner. Buggy rolled smokes. JoinO (somebody tell me how to spell his nickname) finished a lap before the rest of the field - AWESOME! Rachel and Ira were there. Tad had amazing outfit - he scared some children. Joel was as excited as I had ever seen him - blame it on the conditions. Heyzel/Hazel represented!

I went home early. Like I said, it was cold, and went, and it smelled funny, and again, wolves. I'm saving myself for Krugers.

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